If it seems like bugs are constantly irritating you when you’re trying to simply relax in your own backyard, it might be time to think about hiring an exterminator for outdoor pest control. Although outdoor pest control measures seek to resolve the issue at the source, a bit more nuance is needed compared to indoor pest control methods. The trick is recognizing which bugs are merely going about their business and keeping the ecosystem balanced, and which ones are overstaying their welcome.
If you’re unsure if your outdoor pest situation is typical or out of control, learn these signs to help you determine when to call an exterminator.
- Moths and beetles flying could signal a grub infestation. Grubs are the baby versions of these insects and will make themselves at home in your grass if you allow them to.
- Chinch bugs in the southern United States can turn your grass brown or yellow. Grass’s moisture is what attracts them, but the poison they leave in their wake will destroy your lawn.
- Caterpillars will eat your leaves. Naturally, this will harm the health of your plants, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your garden and other landscaping if you suspect that numerous caterpillars have decided to feast on your property.
Outdoor pest control might seem overwhelming at first, but we can help. Our experts at Overwatch Pest Management have over 20 years of experience that help us identify threats and neutralize them quickly and accurately. Reach out to us anytime if you’re ready to get rid of those bugs and enjoy your yard without insects running around.