Four Tips for Preventing Cockroach Infestations

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Cockroaches are nasty little insects that you would rather not see in your home, ever. Unfortunately, cockroach infestations are a very real thing, and you need to take proactive steps against them, especially if you have had problems with cockroaches before in your home. We have a few tips for you that should help to keep cockroaches out of your living space.

Four Tips for Preventing Cockroach Infestations

  1. Keep Food in Airtight Containers – Cockroaches often enter homes looking for food, so don’t fulfill their wishes by giving them easy access to it. Keep your food in airtight containers and don’t leave it on the counters. You may also want to rethink leaving pet food out all day if you can help it—roaches can get into that too.
  1. Wipe, Sweep & Vacuum Regularly – Spills, crumbs, and other food residue are invitations for cockroaches and other pests, so be sure to clean them up right away. Always wipe down surfaces and sweep or vacuum your floors to ensure you haven’t missed anything.
  1. Keep Your Home Clutter-Free – Easier said than done, right? Especially if you have kids. Do your best to reduce or eliminate clutter so that cockroaches have fewer places to hide if they do find a way into your home.
  1. Seal Off Entry Points – This is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent cockroach infestations. If you know of any gaps where cockroaches can enter your space, make sure to seal them off effectively. You can always rely on professionals to handle this task for you and look for other entry points as well.

If you need help with a cockroach infestation, contact our team at Overwatch Pest Management.